Please make sure to check the airline's actual policy regarding baggage, excess baggage, sporting equipment, and anything else you plan on carrying on board the plane. Although we try to keep this website up to date, baggage regulations for every airline are constantly changing. We may not have had time to update the regulations since they have changed, or could have simply missed the fact that they have changed and not updated the site. We provide this website as a service to those looking for information regardig baggage allowances and what they are allowed to take. As much as we would like to, unfortunately we cannot guarantee that the information presented on this site is accurate. It is your responsibility to check the airline's website, or to call their customer service representatives, to confirm what you are and are not allowed to bring on your flight.

If you do notice a mistake on the website, or have a tip that you feel is worth sharing with other travelers, let us know, and we will be glad to put it up to share with the world. Thanks! © Copyright 2025 - Privacy - Disclaimer
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