At ticket booking, please inform us about your intent of animal transportation. For convenience of passengers in cabin, pets (dogs, cats, birds) are accepted to transportation in a baggage area. Animals accepted to transportation only in cages or in specially equipment for transportation (cages, special equipment not provided). Also the veterinary certificate of vaccination against rabies, for 30 days prior to flight is necessary (for international flights, international certificate is needed). Animal transportation costs calculated from actual weight of animal and with a special tariff of airline. Weight of animal calculated separately from a baggage weight. [AMZ asins='B00QHC01C2,B00AAPGA2W,B000633ZOY,B0B77BRG75'][AMZ asins='B00QHC01C2,B00AAPGA2W,B000633ZOY,B0B77BRG75']